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A member registered Apr 03, 2018

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Hey pogy, how's it coming, I have been waiting for a whole month.

Thanks Pogy, your the best, can't wait to play!

Sorry I did not make it clear but I am using MacOS and downloaded the MacOS version of the game. The issue is with the file "badlands" in the "/Contents/MacOS" folder of the Badlands app. The file should be a executable file for the Mac operating system, but rather than being executable it is just a text file.

Hey pogy, this game looks like a lot of fun, BUT the should-be executable for the MacOS app is not a binary executable, but a encrypted text file. I spent all morning downloading the game and it looks like a lot of fun. Lastly, thanks so much for making this game co-op, very few games these days support co-op.